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Experience Construction

The aim of this project is to expose and introduce student to various construction element by visiting construction sites. It also intend to enhance the understanding of principles of construction activities, importance of basic detailing, construction joints and material application through real life project. It also creates an oppurtinity to study the relationship between site and construction method.

We need to form 5 to 6 people as a group and select an ongoing construction project which visibly demonstrates preliminaries work, building foundation, building construction, staircase, and wall. Our selected sites should be medium or one rise building to identify and record the construction process, construction details and material of the building elements, The report should have a good quality of documentation, analysis and explanation.

Throughout this assignment I have learn to produce a complete documentation and an analysis of construction elements. This assignment also let me understand current construction technology on local construction sites.

This is the report we have done:


Individual Component:



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