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Weekend Lodging

Group Component- Introduction to Site Analysis 'Kl Forest Eco Park' We were required to conduct site analysis of the physical context both at a macro & micro level of the overall site; such as: site plan, existing structure, landscape, climate studies, circulation pattern, view and vista, activities.


Individual Component- Weekend Lodging @ KL Forest Eco Park Design a Weekend Lodging at KL Forest Eco Park. Weekend Lodging denotes ‘A place where one escapes for relaxation, recreation and vacation for a short period of time.’ This Weekend Lodging function as habitable architectural spaces to enable the activity associated with living, dining, showering, cooking, storage and such within the built up space of maximum 150 m2. The relationship between design and the context is also important in making the Weekend Lodging unique to its landscape and activity.

Throughout this assignment, I have the ability to interpret and analyse simple site context; client’s character and needs in relation to the design of a small building.




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