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Project 1: Children Learning Capsule

"Learning Through Play"

The initial idea of this project explore 'Community and Architecture' and deals with the basic action of learning through play via the understanding of repurposed materials and their relationship to the crafting of spaces as setting for children’s experience. We were required to design a Children Learning Capsule which is intended to explore the endless possibilities of using abandoned steel shipping containers which have outlived their usefulness as cargo carriers. Morover, we are also encourage to create symbiotic composition with other recyclable materials of choice as well. It is to develop awareness of environmental sustainability through the responsible and innovative use of reclaimable and repurposed materials in relation to user needs.

Throughout this project, I have learnt to apply the ideas of environmental sustainability that gained from precedent studies, Environmental Sustainable Design and Building Science 1 modules in previous semesters 3. Design and create architectural spaces with consideration of environmental and material poetics in relation to basic natural and built context.


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